We would also like to address concerns raised in UPR recommendations of the second cycle, namely fair trial concerns (No. 115 and 119), the question of torture (No. 131) and the freedom of association and expression (No. 104).
Firstly, we wish to highlight issues relating to due process. As an example, we refer to the ongoing trial of 94 individuals, accused of undermining state security. Their trial has so far violated a number of international fair trial standards, including the prohibition of secret detention. Several of these individuals also allege having been tortured, allegations which have not yet been investigated. In addition, international observers were unable to attend the trial. Two international observers were even prevented from entering the country for unspecified reasons. Ratification of the ICCPR would go some way to addressing such concerns, as will the visit by the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. All allegations of torture should also be promptly and impartially investigated and those found responsible prosecuted.
In relation to freedom of association, we would like to refer to the arrests of 13 Egyptian nationals in the UAE. They have been accused by State media of belonging to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, but have not yet been charged since their arrests in late 2012. The UAE should respect their obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in this regard.
Freedom of expression also featured in recommendations made by States. Just recently, four cyber activists were arrested for twitting information about the trial of the 94 individuals referred to previously. The UAE has taken note of recommendations in support of this right, and should take all necessary steps to protect human rights defenders and cyber-activists from discrimination, harassment or intimidation.
Thank you.
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