UAE - News

UAE: Unfair Trial, Unjust Sentences

UAE - News | 03 July 2013
69 Government Critics, Including 2 Human Rights Lawyers, Face Prison Terms

(Beirut) – The convictions of 69 defendants in the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) mass trial of 94 government critics on July 2, 2013, were based on a fundamentally unfair trial, a coalition of human rights groups said today. The convictions probably violated the right of free association of many of those accused.

UAE: Reports of Systematic Torture in Jails

UAE - News | 27 June 2013
Cell in UAE State Security Facility - Sketch made by a detainee in solitary confinement Cell in UAE State Security Facility - Sketch made by a detainee in solitary confinement
Cell in UAE State Security Facility - Sketch made by a detainee in solitary confinement
Smuggled Notes Detail Serious Abuse in Detention

(Beirut, June 26 2013) -- United Arab Emirates state security officers have subjected detainees to systematic mistreatment, including torture, say hand-written letters from detainees smuggled out of jails, Alkarama, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today. The groups obtained 22 statements written by some of the 94people on trial for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government. The mistreatment described in the letters is consistent with other allegations of torture at UAE state security facilities, and indicates that torture is a systematic practice at these facilities.

UAE: Drop charges against human rights activist Waleed Al-Shehhi

UAE - News | 11 June 2013
After Abdulhamid Al-Hadidi, Waleed Al-Shehhi is the second human rights activist to be arrested and charged for disseminating information on the hearings of the 'UAE94' trial through social networks. Alkarama requests the Emirati authorities to drop charges made against him under the new Cybercrime law No. 5/2012 and release him immediately.

UAE: Adoption of UPR Outcome at UN Human Rights Council

UAE - News | 07 June 2013
Statement delivered under Item 6 by Amman Center for Human Rights Studies in collaboration with Alkarama Foundation

We welcome the adoption of the outcome of the UPR of the United Arab Emirates, which reflected many important recommendations to address human rights concerns in the country.

In particular, we commend the UAE's accession to the UN Convention against Torture, in reflection of recommendations made during its first UPR. We therefore encourage the UAE to provide its initial periodic report as due, in August 2013.

UAE: Immediately Release or Try Egyptian Detainees

UAE - News | 31 May 2013
Alkarama received an urgent call for help from the families of 15 Egyptians detained in the UAE who were arrested between early November 2012 and January 2013. The families of the detainees confirmed that, despite the fact that some of them have been detained for more than six months, they still have not been brought before a court, nor have any charges been laid against them.
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