SYR - News

Syria: UN Commission of Inquiry presents latest report, repeating serious concerns and highlighting the need of documentation and referral to justice

SYR - News | 06 June 2013
The latest report of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria, released on 4 June 2013, emphasized that war crimes and severe human rights violations are perpetrated both by Government forces as well as armed opposition groups in a context of international race for weapons delivery. During the oral debate held on 5 June 2013 at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Mr Paulo Pinheiro, Chairperson of the Commission, called for a "diplomatic surge" to end the violence which caused casualties and more than 4 million internal displaced people. "War crimes and crimes against humanity have become a daily reality in Syria where the harrowing accounts of victims have seared themselves on our conscience," added Mr Pinheiro in this report which covers the period of 15 January to 15 May 2013 updating previous report.

Syria: Coalition of 19 international NGOs call for release of Khalil Matouk

SYR - News | 04 June 2013

khalil maatouq

New information obtained by human rights organizations has heightened concerns about the secret detention and failing health of a prominent Syrian human rights lawyer who has not been heard from since his arrest eight months ago.

Syria: Rights Activists Face Terrorism Charges ــــــ Free Award-Winning Journalist, Colleagues

SYR - News | 17 May 2013
Syria: Darwish and others
(Amsterdam, Beirut, Cairo, Copenhagen, Damascus, Dublin, Geneva, London, New York, Paris, The Hague, Utrecht - May 17, 2013)

The international community should urge the Syrian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release and drop all charges against a freedom of expression activist and two of his colleagues, 19 regional and international human rights organizations said today. Mazen Darwish and two of his colleagues from the Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), Hussein Gharir and Hani Zaitani, are facing trial on terrorism charges for their peaceful activism, the groups said.

Syria: UN General Assembly calling for the release of Mazen Darwish and colleagues

SYR - News | 16 May 2013
SYR_Mazen_Darwish Yesterday, the United Nations General Assembly adopted its latest resolution on the situation in Syria despite strong opposition from Russia and an increase in abstentions. Alongside a number of other recommendations, the resolution calls for the release of Syrian human rights defenders Mazen Darwish and his colleagues from the Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM).

Syria: Disappeared activist at risk of death

SYR - News | 01 May 2013
Ahmad Bakdones, a 30 year-old peaceful Syrian activist, was arrested on 19 May 2012 by agents from the General Intelligence services and brought to Damascus Central Prison. Between 20 October and the second half of December 2012, his relatives were able to visit him several times and noted that he was in very bad health due to the severe torture he was being subjected to. Mr Bakdones' family learned in early April 2013 through informal channels that he may have been transferred to Sednaya Prison, notorious for the severe torture and numerous suspicious deaths of prisoners. However, Mr Bakdones' transfer has not been officially confirmed and Alkarama fears for his life as he is at high risk of torture during his enforced disappearance.
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