31 October 2011

Live Webcast of the 47th Session of the Committee Against Torture

Geneva, London, Copenhagen, Oslo – Alkarama, Amnesty International, the Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF), the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) and the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) will jointly webcast the 47th session of the U.N. Committee against Torture (CAT).
Five international NGOs are collaborating to webcast the 47th session of the Committee against Torture, taking place in Geneva from 31 October. Viewers around the world will be able to tune in online to watch the Committee's independent experts question six States on their implementation of the Convention against Torture.

This joint project of Alkarama, Amnesty International, HRHF, IRCT and OMCT was launched to support the work of the Committee and to ensure effective access for all interested parties, particularly national NGOs, to follow the session in real time.

Our organisations strongly believe that the live webcast will ensure greater accessibility and in turn understanding and ownership of the CAT reporting procedure, thus contributing to better accountability and protection and promotion of human rights in the reviewed countries.

Live webcast will be available at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cat-webcast1

Our organisations will webcast the following public sessions for which alternative reports and briefings on the implementation of the Convention against Torture by State parties were submitted to the CAT:

Morocco: Alkarama alternative report (in French)

CAT public session live webcast on 1 November, from 10 to 12 am and on 2 November from 3 to 6 pm Geneva time.

Germany: Amnesty international briefing and Joint submission by German NGOs

CAT public session live webcast on 4 November, from 10 to 12 am and on 8 November from 3 to 6 pm Geneva time.

Sri Lanka: Amnesty international briefing and Freedom From Torture Alternative Report

CAT public session live webcast on 8 November, from 10 to 12 am and on 9 November from 3 to 6 pm Geneva time.

Madagascar: OMCT alternative report (in French) and OMCT Executive summary (in English)

CAT public session live webcast on 10 November, from 10 to 12 am and on 11 November from 3 to 6 pm Geneva time.

Belarus: Joint NGO report supported by HRHF (in English and in Russian)

CAT public session live webcast on 10 November, from 10 to 12 am and on 14 November from 3 to 6 pm Geneva time.

Greece: OMCT alternative report and Amnesty international briefing

CAT public session live webcast on 14 November, from 10 to 12 am and on 15 November from 3 to 6 pm Geneva time.