26 July 2011

Lebanon: Alkarama's respresentive questioned by Military Intelligence


Saadeddine Shatila, Alkarama's representative in Lebanon, was held yesterday morning, 25 July 2011, for questioning by Lebanese military intelligence in Beirut. According to the summons which he received last Friday, he was questioned regarding certain "security issues", but was released later the same day after seven hours of interrogation, which mainly concerned his human rights work.

He is accused of having "published information harmful to the reputation of the Lebanese Military". There is no doubt that the accusation is directly linked to his human rights work with Alkarama.

Shatila has indeed been documenting human rights violations in Lebanon for several years, particularly cases of torture. Over the years, he has gathered a significant number of testimonies of victims, including individuals detained by the Lebanese Military Intelligence services. Alkarama has submitted these cases to the United Nations human rights special procedures, particularly the Special Rapporteur on Torture.

Alkarama reminds the Lebanese authorities that the questioning of Saadeddine Shatila over his human rights work constitutes a violation of General Assembly Resolution 53/144 and UN Human Rights Council Resolution 12/2.

These resolutions give the right of all individuals to freely publish, communicate and disseminate information related to human rights, particularly those who work with the UN human rights mechanisms. These resolutions state that governments should not commit acts of intimidation and reprisals against human rights defenders.

Alkarama calls on the Lebanese authorities to respect their commitments to international law and cease all forms of harassment against Saadeddine Shatila and other human rights defenders in Lebanon.