
Human rights defenders, politicians, journalists and academics call on France to free Alkarama Executive Director

Dozens of French, Arab and Western personalities petition the French Prime Minister, François Fillon, to ensure that Dr Mourad Dhina, detained for over two weeks in France on a politically motivated request from the Algerian government, is not extradited to Algeria and is rapidly released. This follows an open letter sent to the Prime Minister last Tuesday, 26 January, by eleven French and International NGOs requesting "to release him immediately".

Over 60 people had already signed the «petition to FreeMourad», which can be found on the #FreeMourad website, before it was officially opened to public signature this morning.

Dr Mourad Dhina, Alkarama's Executive Director and a leading member of the opposition to the current Algerian regime, was arrested in Paris on 16 January and detained pending extradition to Algeria.

«I will do what it takes to ensure he is released » said Haithem Al Maleh, a leading member of Syria's political opposition to the regime of Bashar al Assad and the 2010 laureate of the Alkarama Award, as he signed on to the petition. The petition was also signed by the 2009 and 2011 Alkarama Award Laureates: Algerian lawyer Abdennour Ali Yahia, Egyptian human rights defender Aida Seif al Dawla and Saudi civil and political rights activist Dr Said bin Zair.

The petition has also garnered the support of former members of the opposition movements who have recently joined governments, such as Mrs Hourya Mashour, Yemeni Minister for Human Rights, who told Alkarama «I will stand for the human rights of all human beings».

Academics such as François Burgat, Olivier Roy, George Joffe or François Gèze were joined by Human Rights defenders from Algeria, Yemen, Tunisia and Egypt. «The widespread backing for this petition, coming from all countries and all political tendencies, clearly shows the level support Dr Mourad Dhina has" said Rachid Mesli, Legal Director of Alkarama "This petition builds on the "Virtual Sit In" campaign which continues to spread the story of Dr Dhina's detention around the world"

Alkarama joins those signing this petition in calling on the French authorities to release Dr Dhina, and to discontinue the practice of acting on politically motivated international arrest warrants issued by authoritarian regimes.