26 August 2015
Me Mesli Arrested in Italy
Alkarama's Press Releases
- Turin Court of Appeal Authorises Rachid Mesli to Leave Italy (Alkarama, 16.09.2015)
- Court Lifts Restrictive Measure of House Arrest against Rachid Mesli (Alkarama, 16.09.2015)
- Rachid Mesli Remains Under House Arrest but Algerian Formal Request for Extradition "Vague and Incomplete" Says Italian Court (Alkarama, 15.09.2015)
- Minister of Justice Requests Rachid Mesli to Stay in Aosta Until Further Notice (Alkarama, 31.08.2015)
- Rachid Mesli to Stay in Aosta Until Further Notice (Alkarama, 25.08.2015)
- Rachid Mesli Released Pending Appearance Before Turin Court of Appeal on Tuesday (Alkarama, 22.08.2015)
- Alkarama's Legal Director Detained in Italy on the Basis of Algerian Arrest Warrant (Alkarama, 21.08.2015)
News on Rachid Mesli
Other NGOs Press Releases
- Front Line Defenders (NGO, EN), 19.09.2015, Update: Italy – Rachid Mesli permitted to leave Italy
- Front Line Defenders (NGO, ES), 18.09.2015, Update: Italy – Rachid Mesli permitted to leave Italy
- LADDH (ONG Algeria, FR), 17.09.2015, Court Lifts Restrictive Measure of House Arrest against Rachid Mesli: Alkarama's Press Release, by Alkarama
- Amnesty International Switzerland (NGO, FR), 16.09.2015, Rachid Mesli Is Free!
- Amnesty International (NGO, FR), 21.08.2015, The Algerian Human Rights Defender Who Is at Risk of Extradition Must Be Released Immediately
- Amnesty International Algeria (NGO, FR), 23.08.2015, Italy. The Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli, Should Be Released Immediately
- Amnesty International Italy (NGO, IT), 27.08.2015, Amnesty International to Minister Orlando: No Extradition for Algerian ME Rachid Mesli
- Amnesty International Switzerland (NGO, FR), 22.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Algerian Lawyer Should Be Released Immediately, by Amnesty International
- Amnesty International Switzerland (NGO, DE), 21.08.2015, Human Rights Lawyer Arrested at Swiss Border
- Front Line Defenders (NGO, AR), 25.08.2015 Italy: The Legal Director of Alkarama Foundation Arrested
- Front Line Defenders (NGO, EN), 21.08.2015, Italy: Legal Director of Alkarama arrested, Letter to President Sergio Mattarella
- Front Line Defenders (NGO, EN), 21.08.2015, Italy: Legal Director of Alkarama arrested
- LADDH (NGO Algeria, FR), 24.08.2015, Case Rachid Mesli: LADDH Demands His Release, by President Nourredine Benissad
- ANSA (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Terrorism, Freed Activist Who Was under Arrest
- ANSA Valle d'Aosta (Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, Algeria Asks for the Lawyer's Extradition
- Agenzia Nova (Italy, IT), 27.08.2015, Terrorism: Mesli, My Arrest Is a Revenge of the Algerian Authorities
- AFP (France, EN), 21.08.2015, Algerian human rights lawyer held in Italy: reports
- ANSA (Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, Arrested Lawyer, Risk of Torture
- ANSA (Italy, EN), 21.08.2015, Mesli risks persecution if extradited says Amnesty
- ANSA (Italy, EN), 21.08.2015, Italy arrests Algerian lawyer
- ANSA (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Algerian Lawyer under Arrest
- Anadolu Agency (Turkey, AR), 22.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Released after One Day of Detention in Italy
- Anadolu Agency (Turkey, AR), 21.08.2015, Italy: Algerian Lawyer Arrested on the basis of an Interpol's Decision
- APR (Algeria, FR),
- Quds Press International News Agency (Palestine, AR), 23.08.2015, Italian Police Arrested an Algerian Dissident
News from Algeria
- Le Matin (Algeria, FR), 30.09.2015, Algeria Asks Italy to Extradite Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of the Dissolved Islamic Salvation Front (APS)
- El Watan (Algeria, FR), 20.09.2015, Case Rachid Mesli: It Will Be Difficult for Algeria to Obtain His Extradition, by Nacéra Benali
- Le Quotidien d'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, URGENT: Me Rachid MESLI Is Free!!!
- Tout sur l'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, Rachid Mesli Not Anymore under House Arrest, by Amina Boumazza
- El Goual (Algeria, FR), 02.09.2015, Extradition of Rachid Mesli: No Request from the Algerian Authorities Yet, by Karim Kadi
- Reporters (Algeria, FR), 31.08.2015, Justice / Case Rachid Mesli: The Italian Court Ordered the Lawyer to Remain under House Arrest, by Salim Bennour
- El Khabar (Algeria, AR), 26.08.2015, Italy Refuses the Extradition of Former FIS Lawyer Rachid Mesli
- Tout sur l'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 26.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of Madani and Belhadj: "I Have Never Been Affiliated To FIS", by Amina Boumazza
- La Nation (Algeria, FR), 24.08,2015, Extradition to Algeria of Rachid Mesli, former Lawyer of Dissolved FIS: The Turin Court of Appeal Will Decide Today, by Fayçal Hamdi
- Liberté (Algeria, FR), 24.08.2015, Controversy over the Extradition of ME Rachid Mesli to Algeria
- El Watan (Algeria, FR), 23.08.2015, Italian Justice Releases Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli, by Farouk Djouadi
- Algeria Watch (Algeria, FR), 22.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Released Pending Appearance Before Turin Court of Appeal on Tuesday, by Alkarama
- Algeria Watch (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, Alkarama's Legal Director Detained in Italy on the Basis of Algerian Arrest Warrant, by Alkarama
- Le Quotidien d'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, Arrest in Italy of ME Rachid Mesli, Human Rights Activist, by Salah-Eddine SIDHOUM
- La Nouvelle République (Algeria, FR), 22.09.2015, Algeria Will Send the Extradition Request in Due Time
- Algeria Times (Algeria, FR), 21.09.2015, Case Rachid Mesli: It Will Be Difficult for Algeria to Obtain His Extradition (El Watan)
- Le Soir Algérien (Algeria, FR), 20.09.2015, Case Rachid Mesli: It Will Be Difficult for Algeria to Obtain His Extradition (El Watan)
- Algeria Watch (Algeria, FR), 20.09.2015, Case Rachid Mesli: It Will Be Difficult for Algeria to Obtain His Extradition (El Watan)
- El Watan (Algeria, FR), 19.09.2015, Algeria Will Send an Extradition Request, by Fatima Arab
- L'Expression (Algeria, FR), 19.09.2015, Rachid Mesli's Extradition and General Hassan's Case. Louh's Explenations, by Nadia BENAKLI
- La Cité (Algeria, FR), 19.09.2015, Algeria Will Send the Extradition Request against Rachid Mesli, Ex-Lawyer of Dissolved FIS, by Tahar F
- Algérie Actu (Algeria, FR), 19.09.2015, Mesli's Arrest: Alger Will Send an Extradition Request
- Algérie Confluences (Algeria, FR), 19.09.2015, Arrest of Rachid Mesli, Ex-Lawyer of Ex-FIS: Algeria to Send Extradition Request in Due Time, by Fateh H.
- Tout sur l'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 18.09.2015, The Court of Appeal of Turin Authorises Rachid Mesli to Leave Italy, by Alkarama
- La Une d'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 17.09.2015, Tayeb Louh: Algeria Will Send Italy Rachid Mesli's Extradition Request
- Ennahar Online (Algeria, FR), 17.09.2015, Case Mesli: There Is No Point in Entering into Polemice on a "Normal" Case (Louh), by M. Oudina
- Algérie1 (Algeria, FR), 17.09.2015, Louh: "The Case of General Hassan Falls under the Competence of Military Justice", by Lila Ghali
- Liberté (Algeria, FR), 17.09.2015, The Statements of Tayeb Louh on General Hassan and Rachid Mesli
- Algérie Actu (Algeria, FR), 17.09.2015, Case Mesli: There Is No Point in Entering into Polemics on a "Normal" Case
- Algeria Watch (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, The Court Lifted the Restrictive Measure of House Arrest against Rachid Mesli, by Alkarama
- AlgerieDZ.info (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, Rachid Mesli, Ex-Lawyer of Abass Madani Escapes from Extradition to Algeria
- Reporters (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, Justice/Algeria-Italy: The Court of Appeal of Turin Frees Me Mesli
- Reporters (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, Justice/Algeria-Italy: The Court of Appeal of Turin Frees Me Mesli, by Adel Boucherguine
- El Goual (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, The Court of Appeal of Turin Shifts the Restrictive Measure of House Arrest against Rachid Mesli
- Ennahar Online (Algeria, FR), 16.09.2015, Former Lawyer of Dissolved FIS Rachid Mesli Is Not under House Arrest Anymore, by M. Oudina
- Echorouk Online (Algeria, AR), 01.09.2015, The Italian Justice Keeps Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli under House Arrest
- ToutDZ (Algeria, FR), 01.09.2015, Minister of Justice Requests Rachid Mesli to Stay in Aosta Until Further Notice (AllAfrica)
- Echorouk Online (Algeria, AR), 28.08.2015, Six Months to Decide on the Case of Rachid Mesli
- Algeria Watch (Algeria, FR), 28.08.2015, The Possible Extradition of an Algerian Human Rights Lawyer (Mondafrique)
- Algérie Solidaire (Algeria, FR), 27.08.2015, Rachid Mesli under House Arrest in Aosta
- El Hayat (Algeria, AR), 27.08.2015, Italian Judiciary Rejects Extradition of Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli
- El Hourria (Algeria, AR), 27.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Under House Arrest in Italy until Algeria Submits an Official Extradition Request
- Echorouk Online (Algeria, AR), 27.08.2015, Italian Judiciary Keeps Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli under House Arrest until Next Monday
- El Hayat (Algeria, AR), 26.08.2015, Italian Judiciary to Algerian Government: Provide Us With Evidences or We Will Release Him
- El Hayat (Algeria, AR), 26.08.2015, Mesli and the Emir
- ToutDZ (Algeria, FR), 26.08.2015, Extradition of Rachid Mesli: The Turin Court of Appeal Refers the Case
- Al Tahrir Online (Algeria, AR), 25.08.2015, Mesli Before an Italian Court Today, by Loai Y.
- Fibladi (Algeria, FR), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of the FIS, "If I go back to Algeria, I Risk to Be Tortured"
- Mon Journal (Algeria, AR), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Before the Italian Judge, And That Will Be an International Scandal for Algeria
- Mon Journal (Algeria, FR & AR), 25.08.2015, Italian Justice Waiting for Documents from Algeria
- Reporters (Algeria, FR), 25.08.2015, Extradition of Rachid Mesli: The Turin Court of Appeal Refers the Case, by Rachid Bouarroudj
- Tout sur l'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of the FIS, "If I go back to Algeria, I Risk to Be Tortured", by Amina Boumazza
- Tout sur l'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of the FIS, Remains Detained in Italy, by Amina Boumazza
- Al Ikhbaria (Algeria, AR), 24.08.2015, European Organisation Calls upon the Italian Authorities Not to Deport the Algerian Activist Mesli, by Abdelkarim S
- El Goual (Algeria, FR), 24.08.2015, Arrest of Lawyer Rashid Mesli in Italy: The LADDH Demands His Release, by Boualem Rabah
- El Watan Media (Algeria, AR), 24.08.2015, European Organisation Calls upon the Italian Authorities Not to Deport the Algerian Activist Mesli
- Institut Hoggar (Algeria, FR), 24.08.2015, Rachid Mesli and Madani Mezrag, Two Destinies That Nothing Seemed to Predestine, by Rachid Ziani-Cherif
- Reporters (Algeria, FR), 24.08.2015, Justice: LADDH Requires the Release of the Lawyer Rachid Mesli, by Salim Bennour
- Algérie-Focus (Algeria, FR), 23.08.2015, Amnesty International/ Advocacy to Free Former FIS Lawyer Rachid Mesli
- La Nouvelle République (Algeria, FR), 23.08.2015, Former FIS Lawyer, Rachid Mesli, Arrested in Italy
- La Une d'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 23.08.2015, The Former Lawyer of the Dissolved FIS Released by the Italian Justice
- Reporters (Algeria, FR), 23.08.2015, Released after His Custody: The Court of Appeal of Turin Will Decide Tomorrow Whether to Extradite or Not the ME Mesli, by Imad Boubekri
- Algeria Times (Algeria, AR), 22.08.2015, Vice-Preside of Islamic Salvation Front, Ali Ben Haj, Defending the Lawyer Rachid Mesli
- Official Web Site of Sheikh Ali Ben Haj (Algeria, AR), 22.08.2015, The Apology of the Lawyer Rachid Mesli by the Vice-President of the Islamic Salvation Front
- DjaZairess (Algeria, FR), 22.08.2015, Will Rachid Mesli Be Extradited to Algeria? - One of the Lawyers of the Former FIS Arrested in Italy, by Le Quotidien d'Oran
- Le Journal d'Algérie (Algeria, FR), 22.08.2015, Arrest of a Lawyer of the Dissolved FIS
- Le Maghreb (Algeria, FR), 22.08.2015, Italy: Italians Arrest Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland
- Aljazair24 (Algeria, AR), 21.08.2015, Lawyer Rachid Mesli Arrested in Italy on the Basis of an International Arrest Warrant
- Algeria Channel (Algeria, AR), 21.08.2015, The Lawyer Rachid Mesli Arrested in Italy
- Algeria World (Algeria, AR) 21.08.2015, Italy Has Arrested an Algerian Lawyer of the Islamic Salvation Front
- Algérie1 (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, Arrest of Lawyer of the Dissolved FIS, Refugee in Switzerland, by Lila Ghali
- Algérie Patriotique (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, Former FIS Lawyer Rachid Mesli Arrested in Italy
- DZ-Actu (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, Arrest of Rachid Mesli in Italy!, by Al Magharibia Channel
- Kabylie News (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, Lawyer of Dissolved FIS Arrested by Italian Authorities
- Mon Journal (Algeria, FR and AR), 21.08.2015, Alkarama's Legal Director Detained in Italy on the Basis of Algerian Arrest Warrant, by Alkarama
- Le Matin Algérie (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of FIS, Arrested by the Italian Police
- Réflexion (Algeria, FR), 21.08.2015, A Lawyer of the Former FIS Arrested in Italy for Terrorism
News from Italy
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione delle 19.30, 01':07''-03':48'', by Marco Curatolo
- La Repubblica, Torino (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Judges in Turin Give Green Light, the Algerian Human Rights Lawyer Is Free Again
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione della notte, 00':00''-01'35'', by Paolo Volpato
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta EdizionTG Valle d'Aosta Edizione delle 19.30, 01':06''-03'17'', by Paolo Volpato
- Il Corriere della Sera (Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, Algeria Asks for Laywer's Extradition (ANSA)
- La Stampa Aosta (Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, Algeria Wants Rachid Mesli. "I Am at Risk of Torture There"
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 14.09.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione delle 14.00, 07':50''-10':33'', by Marco Curatolo
- La Repubblica (Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, Arrested Lawyer: "If I Go Back to Algeria, I Am at Risk of Torture", by Jacopo Ricca
- RAI2 (Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, TG2 1:00pm, The Algerian Lawyer, Human Rights Activist Refused Extradition
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 23.08.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione della notte, 00':00''-01':09'', by Pierfrancesco Pontercorvo
- La Stampa (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Rights Defender or Terrorist? The Riddle of the Arrested Algerian Lawyer, by Andrea Rossi
- Il Corriere della Sera, blog "Le persone e la dignità" (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Arrested in Italy Algerian Lawyer. Amnesty: "He Is Innocent, He Should Not Be Extradited", by Monica Ricci Sargentini
- Il Manifesto (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, An Arrest (in Italy), That Causes Debate, by Mauro Ravarino
- Blog Notizie (Italy, IT), 18.09.2015, Terrorism: The Arrested Lawyer Has Been Released, by Alessandra Ragonese
- Informazione.it (Italy, IT), 17.09.2015, Algeria Wants Rachid Mesli. "I Am at Risk of Torture There" (La Stampa)
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 17.09.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione della notte, 02':28''-03':02''
- L'Arena.it (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Algerian Activist Now Free
- Aosta Sera (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Algerian Lawyer Released, Human Rights Activist, Arrested in August
- Bresciaoggi (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Activist Has Been Released
- La Rosa Rossa Online (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Italy: Algerian Activist Has Been Released, by Serafina Zamana
- Stadio24 (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Algeria Sends Extradition Request of Lawyer, by Ogliari Ombretta
- MONDOTIVU (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Mesli Is Free and Goes Back to Switzerland
- Aosta Oggi (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Back to Freedom the Algerian Lawyer Mesli
- 12vda (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Lift of the House Arrest to Rachid Mesli, Who Has Gone Back to Geneva: the Court Found the Extradition Request by Alger as "Vague and Incomplete", by Angelo Musumarra
- Salone della giustizia (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Terrorism: Free Again the Algerian Activist Who Was under Arrest (ANSA)
- Newsvda (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Terrorism: Lift of the Precautionary Measure to the Algerian Arrested Lawyer
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, ANSA Valle d'Aosta: The News of the Day at 6:30pm (ANSA)
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Terrorism: Mesli, I Will Come Back to Italy of the Practices Related to the Extradition's Procedure (ANSA)
- AostaCronaca.it (Italy, IT), 16.09.2015, Judge Decides to Withdraw the Arrest of Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, ANSA VALLE D'AOSTA: The News of the Day, 6:30pm (ANSA)
- Gazzetta di Parma (Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, Terrorism: Algeria Asks for Extradition of Arrested Lawyer (ANSA Aosta)
- Gazzetta Matin (Italy, IT), 15.09.2015, Case Rachid Mesli: Algeria Has Sent the Extradition Request
- La Voce 12alle12 (Italy, IT), 01.09.2015, Terrorism: Obligation to Stay in Aosta Remains for Algerian Lawyer
- 12vda (Italy, IT), 31.08.2015, Minister Andrea Orlando Stops Rachid Mesli in Aosta until the end of September, waiting for the Extradition Request from Algiers
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 31.08.2015, Terrorism: Obligation to Stay in Aosta Remains for Algerian Lawyer (ANSA)
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 27.08.2015, Terrorism: Amnesty to Orlando, Do Not Extradite the Algerian Lawyer (ANSA)
- Effemeride.it (Italy, IT), 27.08.2015, Justice: Amnesty International to Minister Orlando, "No Extradition for Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli"
- 12vda (Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Will Remain under House Arrest in Aosta until 31 August: The Algerian Government Has a Week to Demand His Extradition
- Africa ExPress (Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, Italy Decides on the Lawyer Who Wants to Prosecute the Algerian Militaries at The Hague, by Barbara Ciolli
- CronacaQui.it (Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Lawyer: "In Algeria, I Am at Risk of Torture"
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, ANSA Valle d'Aosta, The News of the Day 1:30pm (ANSA)
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, FR), 25.08.2015, ANSA Valle d'Aosta, The News of the Day (ANSA)
- La Stampa (Italy, IT), 25.08.2015, "If I go Back to Algeria, I Will Be Tortured", by Andrea Rossi
- AostaCronaca.it (Italy, IT), 24.08.2015, The Fate of the Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli to Be Decided Tomorrow
- Aosta Oggi (Italy, IT), 24.08.2015, Released Algerian Lawyer Arrested at Great St Bernardo
- CronacaQui.it (Italy, IT), 23.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Freed: "Mine is an Arrest on Political Grounds"
- Aosta Oggi (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Mesli Arrested, Amnesty Against Extradition to Algeria, "He Is Likely to Suffer Further Persecution", by Marco Camilli
- Blogo (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Arrested for Terrorism: Soon the Decision of the Court of Turin on Extradition, by Andrea Spinelli
- Imola Oggi (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Algerian "Human Rights" Lawyer Arrested at St Bernardo
- Gazzetta Matin (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Terrorism: Released the Algerian Lawyer Who Had Been Arrested Wednesday at Great St Bernardo Tunnel
- La-cronaca.it (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, ANSA Valle d'Aosta: the News of the Day 1:30pm (ANSA)
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione della notte, 01':19''-01':51''
- Rai News (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Terrorism: Released Algerian Lawyer, He Had Been Arrested at the Border
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, LE NOTIZIE DEL GIORNO 1:30pm (ANSA)
- La Stampa Aosta (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, ME Rachid Mesli Released, Arrested for Terrorism at Great St Bernardo
- Torino Today (Italy, IT), 22.08.2015, Arrested Lawyer Rachid Mesli, Accused of Terrorism
- AostaCronaca.it (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Arrested for Terrorism at Great St Bernardo Tunnel
- Aosta Oggi (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli Got Arrested at the Great St Bernardo Tunnel, by Marco Camilli
- Aosta Sera (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer, Human Rights Activist Got Arrested at Gran San Bernardo Tunnel
- Articolo Tre (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Arrested the Lawyer Rashid Mesli: Accused of Terrorism
- Askanews (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Lawyer Arrested at St. Bernardo
- Blogo (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Rachid Mesli under Arrest for Terrorism, by Andrea Spinelli
- Bresciaoggi (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Algerian Lawyer under Arrest
- Centronline (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Turin, Arrested Rachid Mesli: Algerian Lawyer Accused of Terrorism (TGCom24)
- CorriereAdriatico.it (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Arrested Wanted Algerian Lawyer (ANSA)
- Fonte News (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Turin, Rachid Mesli under Arrest: Accuse of Terrorism of the Algerian Lawyer
- Gazzetta Matin (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Algerian Lawyer Got Arrested at Great St Bernardo
- Il Cittadino (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Algerian Lawyer (ANSA)
- Il Corriere della Sera (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Algerian Lawyer (ANSA)
- Il Gazzettino (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Wanted Algerian Lawyer
- Il Giorno (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Aosta, Algerian Lawyer Arrested at the Border. Human Rights Activist Wanted for Terrorism
- Il Quotidiano di Puglia (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Arrested Wanted Algerian Lawyer, by ANSA
- Italia Post (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, THE WEST AGAINST TERRORISM. Italian Police arrested the Lawyer, Human Rights Activist, Rachid Mesli, at the Great St Bernardo Tunnel of the. He Was Wanted in Algeria for Having "Encouraged Terrorism", by Paolo Gabrielli
- La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno (Italy, EN), 21.08.2015, Mesli risks persecution if extradited says Amnesty
- La Gazzetta del Sud (Italy, EN), 21.08.2015, Italy arrests Algerian human rights lawyer
- La Prima Pagina (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Arrested Rachid Mesli, Human Rights Activist
- La Provincia di Lecco (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Algerian Lawyer
- La Provincia di Varese (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Algerian Lawyer
- LaSicilia.it (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Algerian Lawyer Arrested. Amnesty, "He Is Persecuted." Taken at the Swiss Border (by ANSA)
- La Stampa Aosta (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Arrested for Terrorism at the Gran San Bernardo, Amnesty: "He Is Persecuted" (ANSA)
- La Stampa Aosta (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Great St Bernardo: Algerian Lawyer Arrested for Terrorism
- La Voce 12alle12 (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, AOSTA. Terrorism: Arrested Algerian Lawyer. Amnesty, Innocent
- Leggo (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Arrested Wanted Algerian Lawyer
- Lettera43 (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Arrested Algerian Lawyer
- MONDOTIVU (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Arrested for Terrorism
- Quotidiano.net (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Aosta, Algerian Lawyer Arrested at the Border. Human Rights Activist Wanted for Terrorism
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione 7:30pm, 01':06''-02':49'', interview with Riccardo Noury (Spokesperson for Amnesty Italia), by Pierfrancesco Pontecorvo
- RAI3 (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, TG Valle d'Aosta Edizione 2:00pm, 00':55''-02':07'', by Pierfrancesco Pontecorvo
- Rai News (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Algerian Lawyer Human Rights Activist under Arrest, Wanted by Alger's Authorities
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, ANSA/ Terrorism: Arrested Algerian Lawyer. Amnesty, Innocent (ANSA)
- Regione Valle d'Aosta (Institution, Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Amnesty, Arrested Algerian Lawyer Is Persecuted (ANSA)
- La Repubblica (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism, Algerian Lawyer Wanted by the Law under Arrest
- Sì24 (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Turin: Algerian Activist Rachid Mesli under Arrest. He Was Wanted by Algerian Authorities
- Stadio24 (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Arrested Wanted Algerian Lawyer, by Ogliari Ombretta
- Ticino News (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Rachid Mesli under Arrest
- Tiscali Notizie (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Wanted for Terrorism Got Arrested
- TGCom24 (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Turin, Rachid Mesli under Arrest: Accuse of Terrorism of the Algerian Lawyer (ANSA)
- UltimeNews.it (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Terrorism: Wanted Algerian Lawyer Arrested, by La Repubblica
- UltimeNews.it (Italy, IT), 21.08.2015, Turin, Arrested Rachid Mesli: Charge of Terrorism for the Algerian Lawyer (TGCom24)
News from Switzerland
- Alasr TV (Switzerland, EN), 28.09.2015,
- SwissInfo (Switzerland, EN), 22.09.2015, Rights lawyer undeterred by Italian house arrest, by Abdelhafidh Abdeleli
- La Tribune de Genève (Switzerland, FR), 16.09.2015, The Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli Can Come Back to Switzerland (ats/nxp)
- RSI (Switzerland, IT), 16.09.2015, Mesli Can Come Back to Switzerland
- Le Matin (Switzerland, FR), 16.09.2015, Algerian Lawyer Mesli Can Come Back to Switzerland (ATS/NXP)
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland, DE), 15.09.2015, Italy Does Not Extradite the Human Rights Activist to Algeria
- La Tribune de Genève (Switzerland, FR), 26.08.2015, The Algerian Lawyer Remains under House Arrest in Aosta
- Le Temps (Switzerland, FR), 24.08.2015, The Head of a Geneva-based NGO Stopped at the Italian Border, by Luis Lema
- Le Matin (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, Italy Arrests an Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland (ATS/Newsnet)
- 24heures (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, Italy Arrests an Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland (ATS/Newsnet)
- SwissInfo (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, Italy Arrests an Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland
- Bluewin.ch (Switzerland, IT), 16.09.2015, Italy: Algerian Activist Free Again (ATS)
- Fondation Cordoue de Genève (Switzerland, EN), 04.09.2015, Why does the Algerian regime fear Rachad? (openDemocracy)
- Tio.ch (Switzerland, IT), 27.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Refugee in Switzerland, Amnesty International's Appeal
- Giornale del popolo (Switzerland, IT), 22.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Has Been Released (ATS)
- Giornale del popolo (Switzerland, IT), 21.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Arrested in Italy
- La Liberté (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, Italy Arrested an Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland
- Le Journal du Jura (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, Italy Arrested an Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland
- Le Nouvelliste (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, The Italian Police Arrested an Algerian Activist at Great St Bernardo (ATS)
- Romandie.com (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, Italy Arrests Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland (ATS)
- RhôneFM (Switzerland, FR), 21.08.2015, Algerian Refugee Committed against Torture Arrested at Great St. Bernardo
News from the Arab World
- Al Huffington Post (North Africa, FR), 18.09.2015, Arrest of Rachid Mesli, Ex-Lawyer of Ex-FIS: Algeria Will Send the Extradition Request in Due Time
- The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (Regional, EN), 19-26.08.2015, Alkarama's Legal Director Detained in Italy on the Basis of Algerian Arrest Warrant
- Aljazeera America (Qatar, EN), 26.08.2015, Rights lawyer on house arrest in Italy accused of aiding 'terrorist group', by D. Parvaz
- Aljazeera.net (Qatar, AR), 23.08.2015, Italy Releases Human Rights Defender Rachid Mesli, by Abdelmonem Haikal
- Al Watan (Kuwait, AR), 22.08.2015, The International Association of Rights and Freedoms Deplores the Arrest in Italy of Human Rights Defender Rachid Mesli
- Al Huffington Post (North Africa, FR), 21.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Algerian Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Arrested by Italian Authorities in Switzerland
- Al Magharibia Channel (North Africa, FR), 21.08.2015, Arrest of Rachid Mesli in Italy!, by Djamaledine Benchenouf
- Atlasinfo.fr (North Africa, FR), 21.08.20015, Algerian Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland for 15 Years, Arrested in Italy
- Maghreb Emergent (North Africa, FR), 21.08.2015, Algeria: Human Rights Activist and Former FIS Lawyer, Rachid Mesli, Arrested in Italy
- Dot Msr (Egypt, AR), 27.08.2015 Robert Fisk: "Interpol is Helping Despotic Governments"
- Al Khamis (Egypt, AR), 22.08.2015, Italy Has Arrested an Algerian Human Rights Defender, Accusing Him of Joining a Terrorist Group
- El Mogaz (Egypt, AR), 22.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Arrested in Italy
- Veto Gate (Egypt, AR), 21.08.2015, Italy Has Arrested an Algerian Human Rights Defender Accusing Him of Being Member of a Terrorist Group
- Youm7 (Egypt, AR) 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Arrested in Italy, Accused of Terrorism
- Machahid 24 (Morocco, AR), 26.08.2015, Mesli: "Algeria Is Not a Democracy. And I Fear I Would Be Tortured There"
- Al Alam (Morocco, AR), 23.08.2015, Algerian Opposition Movement Rachad Denounces the Arrest of Rachid Mesli
- El Houria (Morocco, FR), 22.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Released Pending Appearance Before Turin Court of Appeal on Tuesday, by Alkarama
- Jadid Presse (Morocco, AR), 22.08.2015, Italy Has Arrested The Algerian Human Rights Defender Rachid Mesli
- Ahdath Info (Morocco, AR), 21.08.2015, Lawyer Rachid Mesli Arrested in Italy
- Libya al Mostakbal (Libya, AR), 25.08.2015, Italy: Algerian Lawyer Arrested on the basis of an Algerian Arrest Warrant
- Aljabha (Palestine, AR), 28.08.2015, The Independent: Is the Interpol Playing the Role of the Despotic Arabic Rulers?
- Al Watan Voice (Palestine, AR), 22.08.2015, The Arrest of Human Rights Defender Rachid Mesli in Italy Denounced
- Aljazeera.net (Qatar, AR), 27.08.2015, The Independent: Why is Interpol Helping Despotic Governments?
- Al Bayan (UAE, AR), 22.08.2015, The Italian Authorities Arrested an Important Member of Alkarama, Accusing Him of Being Member of a Terrorist Group
- Aden Ghad (Yemen, AR), 27.08.2015, The Guardian: Will Russia Change Its Position so as to Find a Way out of the Current Impasse Regarding the Syrian Crisis?
- Ahoual al Arab (World, AR), 23.08.2015, The International Association of Rights and Freedoms Deplores the Arrest in Italy of the Human Rights Defender Rachid Mesli and Calls for his Immediate Release
News from other countries
From Europe
- Jeune Afrique (France, FR), 18.09.2015, Algeria Asks for Rachid Mesli's Extradition, Who... Has Already Left Italy, by Salsabil Chellali
- openDemocracy (World, EN), 03.09.2015, Why does the Algerian regime fear Rachad?, by Lakhdar Ghettas
- Mil21.es (Spain, ES), 31.08.2015, ME Rachid Mesli Arrested in Italy, Human Rights Defender Uncomfortable for Algeria
- Mondafrique (France, FR), 28.08.2015, The Possible Extradition of an Algerian Human Rights Lawyer
- The Independent (UK, EN), 26.08.2015, Why is Interpol doing the work of Arab despots?, by Robert Fisk
- Médiapart (France, FR), 22.08.2015, Free Rachid Mesli!
- Jeune Afrique (Africa, FR), 21.08.2015, Algeria: Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of FIS, Refugee in Switzerland, Arrested by the Italian Authorities
- Le Soir (Belgium, FR), 21.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland, Arrested in Italy
- World News (World, EN), 24.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Released Pending Appearance Before Turin Court of Appeal On Monday, by Alkarama
- Europe Online News (Europe, IT), 22.08.2015, ME Rachid Mesli Released, Arrested for Terrorism at Great St Bernardo (La Stampa Aosta)
- France-Irak Actualité (France, FR), 23.08.2015, The Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli, Should Be Released Immediately, by Amnesty International
- Réveille-toi (France, FR), 22.08.2015, Arrest of Lawyer of the Dissolved FIS, Refugee in Switzerland, by Alter Info
- Africatime.fr (Africa, FR), 21.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Lawyer, Refugee in Switzerland, Arrested in Italy, by AFP
- Alter Info (France, FR), 21.08.2015, Arrest of Lawyer of the Dissolved FIS, Refugee in Switzerland, by Algérie1
- MSN Actualité (France, FR), 21.08.2015, Italy Arrests Algerian Lawyer Refugee in Switzerland, by ATS
- Diritti umani (United Kingdom, IT), 19.09.2015, Italy – Rachid Mesli, Algerian Human Rights Lawyer Arrested in Aosta Released
- Con acento marroquí (United Kingdom, ES), 23.08.2015, Amnesty International Press Release (22-8-2015) Human rights "made in Algeria" Rachid Mesli, Algerian Lawyer should be Immediately Released
- Diritti umani (United Kingdom, IT), 22.08.2015, Rights Defender or Terrorist? The Riddle of the Arrested Algerian Lawyer (La Stampa)
From Turkey, Russia, Africa and beyond
- Hans Thoolen on Human Rights Defenders (World, EN), 17.09.2015, Algerian government fails to prove accusation against human rights defenders held in Italy
- Sydney Criminal Lawyers (Australia, EN), 15.09.2015, Interpol: Catching Criminals or Persecuting Scapegoats?, by Ugur Nedim
- RIA Novosti (Russia, RU), 21.08.2015, Italy: Algerian Lawyer Suspected of Terrorism Got Arrested
- RT (Russia, FR), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer, Human Rights Activist, Arrested in Italy
- SonDakika.com (Turkey, TR), 26.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Defender Mesli Released
- Ajans34.com (Turkey, TR), 25.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Defender Mesli Released
- Avrupa Gazete (Turkey, TR), 25.08.2015, Algerian Rachid Mesli Who Was Detained Has Been Released
- Diyadinnet.com (Turkey, TR), 25.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Activist in Geneva, Mesli, Has Been Released
- Haberler.com (Turkey, TR), 25.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Defender Mesli Released
- Pusula (Turkey, TR), 25.08.2015, Algerian Human Rights Defender Mesli Released
- Unaidstoday.net (Turkey, TR), 25.08.2015, Algerian Rachid Mesli, Who Was Detained Has Been Released
- Kurlyk.ru (Russia, RU), 21.08.2015, Italian Police Arrested an Algerian Lawyer Suspected of Terrorism (Rapsi News)
- Rapsi News (Russia, RU), 21.08.2015, Italian Police Arrested an Algerian Lawyer Suspected of Terrorism
- Africain.info (Africa, FR), 20.09.2015, Case Rachid Mesli: It Will Be Difficult for Algeria to Obtain His Extradition (El Watan)
- Africa News Hub (Africa, FR), 17.09.2015, The Statements of Tayeb Louh on General Hassan and Rachid Mesli (Liberté)
- Afryka.fr (Africa, FR), 16.09.2015, Rachid Mesli, the Former Lawyer of Abass Madani, Eludes Extradition to Algeria (Tout sur l'Algérie)
- AllAfrica (Africa, FR), 16.09.2015, Algeria: Turin Court of Appeal Authorises Rachid Mesli to Leave Italy, by Alkarama
- AllAfrica (Africa, EN), 15.09.2015, Algeria: Rachid Mesli Remains Under House Arrest but Algerian Formal Request for Extradition "Vague and Incomplete" Says Italian Court, by Alkarama
- Africanewswire.net (Africa, EN), 02.09.2015, Update - Minister of Justice Requests Rachid Mesli to Stay in Aosta Until Further Notice (AllAfrica)
- AllAfrica (Africa, FR), 31.08.2015, Algeria: Update - Minister of Justice Requests Rachid Mesli to Stay in Aosta Until Further Notice, by Alkarama
- AllAfrica (Africa, FR), 31.08.2015, Algeria: Minister of Justice Requests Rachid Mesli to Stay in Aosta Until Further Notice, by Alkarama
- Africa News Hub (Africa, FR), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli, Former Lawyer of the FIS, "If I go back to Algeria, I Risk to Be Tortured" (Tout sur l'Algérie)
- AllAfrica (Africa, FR), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli to Stay in Aosta Until Further Notice, by Alkarama
- News for Africa (Africa, EN), 25.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Released Pending Appearance Before Turin Court of Appeal On Monday, by Alkarama
- Africanewswire.net (Africa, EN), 24.08.2015, Rachid Mesli Released Pending Appearance Before Turin Court of Appeal On Monday, by Alkarama (via AllAfrica)
- Afryka.fr (Africa, FR), 23.08.2015, Italian Justice Releases Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli (El Watan)
- Afryka.fr (Africa, FR), 22.08.2015, Algeria: Rachid Mesli Released, Pending His Appearance before the Court of Appeal of Turin on Monday (AllAfrica)
- Africa Hot News (Africa, FR), 21.08.2015, Algeria Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli Arrested by the Italian Authorities
- iciLome.com (Togo, FR), 17.09.2015, Algerian ME Mesli Freed by Italian Justice (Africa Hot News)
- Sunuker.com (Senegal, FR), 30.08.3015, The Possible Extradition of an Algerian Human Rights Lawyer
- Aconakrylive (Guinea, FR), 22.08.2015, Algeria: Rachid Mesli Released, Pending His Appearance before the Court of Appeal of Turin on Monday (AllAfrica)
- iciBenin (Benin, FR), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli Arrested by the Italian Authorities (Africa Hot News)
- iciLome.com (Togo, FR), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Rachid Mesli Arrested by the Italian Authorities (Africa Hot News)
- W Radio (Colombia, ES), 21.08.2015, Algerian Lawyer Wanted by Interpol Detained in Italy (Agencia EFE)
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